Example smart campaign #2: Notify Marketo account owners about first-time G2 Buyer Intent activity
  • 22 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel

Example smart campaign #2: Notify Marketo account owners about first-time G2 Buyer Intent activity

  • Dunkel

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This example workflow informs your Marketo account owners that one of their companies has generated a G2 Buyer Intent signal for the first time. You can further customize this smart campaign to only deliver notifications for specific types of signals, such as views of comparisons pages or alternatives pages.

With this information, your account owners can always be aware of when a company has first generated G2 Buyer Intent activity.

To recreate this Marketo smart campaign, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to your Marketo instance, and then select Marketing Activities.
  2. Select New > New Smart Campaign.
  3. In the New Smart Campaign pop-up, choose a folder and enter a name for the smart campaign. G2 suggests including a description with details of the filters used to create the smart campaign and the flow actions.
  4. Select the Smart List tab.
  5. Search for the G2 Pages Viewed filter. Select and drag it to the smart campaign canvas.
  6. Select the is not empty operator.


  1. Select the Flow tab.
  2. Search for the Send Alert action. Select and drag it to the smart campaign canvas.
  3. In the Email field, find and select the desired alert. Go to the Design Studio in Marketo if you have not already created an email.
  4. In the Send To dropdown, select either Sales Owner or Account Owner. You can also enter individual email addresses in the To Other Emails field if you want to alert specific individuals or groups of the activity.


  1. Select the Schedule tab and choose the appropriate settings for your organization. G2 suggests setting the smart campaign to run daily so that your account owners always know when a company first generates G2 Buyer Intent activity.

With the settings in the Schedule tab set, the smart campaign should now be activated. As companies first trigger the filter criteria for the smart campaign, your Marketo account owners should receive email alerts.