Performance Analytics
  • 16 Jan 2025
  • 3 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Performance Analytics

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Performance Analytics provides insights into the performance of G2-driven LinkedIn campaigns and G2-influenced HubSpot deals, enabling you to measure the return on investment from G2 Buyer Intent data.

demo showing the performance analytics tab in my.G2.

Basics of Performance Analytics

The Performance Analytics tab enables you to track and measure the impact of G2 Buyer Intent data across your LinkedIn and HubSpot integrations.

To access the Performance Analytics tab, go to my.G2, then Integrations > Performance Analytics.

About G2 Buyer Intent data

G2 Buyer Intent captures enriched data about buyers researching your product across G2. Buyer Intent signals can be generated by a variety of buyer actions, including interacting with your G2 product profile page, comparing your product to a competitor, and viewing alternatives for a product in a shared category. This data enables your sales, marketing, and customer success teams to identify a buyer's stage in the buyer journey.

G2 Buyer Intent data is captured at the organizational level, not the individual level.

Refer to the Buyer Intent documentation for more information on signal types, checking the signals included in your subscription, and more.

Enable data sharing

G2 recommends enabling data sharing so you can understand the impact of G2 Buyer Intent data on your sales and marketing efforts. You must re-authenticate your HubSpot and LinkedIn integrations to enable G2 to access additional data.

Image showing the Hubspot permissions screen

To update the permissions for each integration, navigate to the HubSpot and LinkedIn Matched Audiences integration tiles.

If you prefer not to share your HubSpot data with G2, you can disable this setting using the Allow G2 to pull deals data to enable Performance Analytics slider in the HubSpot integration tile.

Image showing the Allow G2 to pull deals data to enable Performance Analytics slider in the Hubspot integration tile in my.G2.


The HubSpot tab provides a detailed view of how G2 Buyer Intent data influenced your HubSpot deals in the past year.

G2 accesses and stores the following elements from HubSpot: Contact, Company, Deal, Forms, Engagements, and Lists.

HubSpot user permissions screen

The Deals Influenced by Stage graph helps you understand the number of G2 Buyer Intent signals matched to companies in your HubSpot instance and the impact of G2 Intent on your Deals.

Image showing the Deals Influenced by Stage graph within the Performance Analytics tab.

You can hover over each segment in the funnel to reveal more information, such as the Total G2 Buyer Intent Signals, G2 signals matched to existing companies, and Companies created by G2.

Demo showing the information revealed by hovering over the Deals Influenced by Stage graph.

You can enable G2 to create new accounts in your HubSpot environment to maximize buyer intent matches.

Demo showing how to enable the auto-creation of companies in Hubspot slider.

The Total Closed Won Dollars By G2 chart helps you understand the value of closed won deals that were influenced by G2's Buyer Intent data.

Image showing the Total Closed Won Dollars By G2 chart

A deal is considered Influenced when G2 data is associated with an account that already exists in your HubSpot instance.

The Deals Created By G2 chart shows the total deals created by G2 and the value of deals from G2-created accounts.

Image showing the Deals Created By G2 graph.

A deal is considered Created by G2 when G2 creates a new company in your HubSpot instance, resulting in a new deal or closed won revenue.

The Total Closed Won Deals By G2 chart shows the total number of closed won deals that had G2 Buyer Intent data associated with them and the number of deals influenced by G2 intent data.

Image showing the Total Closed Won Deals By G2 graph.


The LinkedIn tab provides insights into the impact of LinkedIn campaigns that leverage G2 Buyer Intent data.

G2 uses LinkedIn’s Reporting & ROI API to obtain ad performance data.

The Performance of G2 + LinkedIn Campaigns panel shows the total conversions and leads generated from LinkedIn Audience Segments built with G2 data, along with average cost per conversion and lead based on total campaign spend.

Image showing the LinkedIn tab within Performance Analytics.

The Campaigns Found with G2 Built Audience table helps you understand which campaigns were created using LinkedIn Audience Segments built from G2 Buyer Intent data.

Image showing the Campaigns Found with G2 Built Audience table.

The table includes the following campaign metrics:

Objective: The primary goal of the campaign, such as driving brand awareness, generating leads, or increasing conversions.
Spend: The total amount of money spent on the campaign over its duration.
Impressions: The number of times the campaign's ads were displayed to users, regardless of whether they engaged with the ad.
Clicks: The number of times users clicked on the campaign's ads.
Cost Per Click: The average amount spent each time someone clicks on an ad.
Click Through Rate: The percentage of impressions that resulted in a click.
Leads: The number of potential customers who provided contact information or took an action that indicates interest in the product or service.
Cost Per Lead: The average amount spent to generate each lead.
Conversions: The number of users who completed a desired action (e.g., purchase, sign-up) as a result of the campaign.
Cost Per Conversion: The average cost to generate each conversion.

The Campaigns Found without G2 Built Audience table show campaigns built without using segments built by G2.

Image showing the Campaigns Found without G2 Built Audience table.

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