Custom fields
- 23 Jul 2021
- 1 Minute à lire
Custom fields
- Mis à jour le 23 Jul 2021
- 1 Minute à lire
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To determine which custom fields are included with each G2 custom object, go to the following location:
- At the top-right portion of any Salesforce page, select Setup.
- For Salesforce Lightning users, at the top-right portion of any Salesforce page, select the lightning bolt/nut icon and then select Setup.
- On the left-hand side of the setup page, go to the Build section and select Create > Objects.
- For Salesforce Lightning users, on the left-hand side of the setup page, go to the Platform Tools section and select Objects and Fields > Object Manager.
- In the Label column, find any of the G2 custom objects and select them.
- Review the Standard Fields and Custom Fields & Relationships sections to determine the fields available for use in other areas of Salesforce.
- For Salesforce Lightning users, select the Fields & Relationships tab to review the same information.