Example workflow #7: Use a contact-based active list for email campaigns
  • 13 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Example workflow #7: Use a contact-based active list for email campaigns

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Résumé de l’article

G2 provides several example HubSpot lists in the Create HubSpot lists with G2 data section. You can use the active lists that are contact-based to feed contacts directly into a HubSpot workflow.

Due to the nature of how the G2 HubSpot integration deals with companies and contacts, this workflow sends an email to every contact associated to a company. Only use this option if you are sure that every contact associated with a company should be targeted as part of an email campaign.

To populate a HubSpot workflow with one of G2’s example lists, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to your HubSpot environment, and then select Workflows.
  2. Select Create workflow.
  3. Select Start from scratch > Contact-based, and then Next.
  4. Select Set enrollment triggers.
  5. In the right-hand side Filters menu, select List memberships.
  6. Select the desired list to populate the workflow.
  7. Select is member of list and then Apply filter.
  8. Select Save.


  1. Select the Re-enrollment tab, and then choose whether companies can enter this workflow again if they meet the workflow criteria.
  2. Select Save.
  3. In the workflow builder, select + to reveal the Choose an action menu.
  4. In the Available actions tab, select Send email and then choose the appropriate email for your list. For example, if you are using Example list #2: Companies with G2 Buyer Intent data and no contacts, choose an email that highlights your product’s strengths against a specific competitor product.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Select Review, and then decide whether companies that currently meet the criteria should be enrolled in the workflow. G2 suggests selecting Yes, enroll existing companies which meet the trigger criteria as of now.
  7. Review all details to ensure the appropriate selections have been made, and then select Turn on to activate the workflow.

The workflow should now be activated. As contacts trigger the enrollment criteria for the list, they should enter the workflow and receive your email.