Custom Questions
  • 28 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Custom Questions

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Article summary

Custom questions enable you to ask questions about your product that aren't included in the standard G2 review form. Use insights from your custom questions to better inform your marketing content and product roadmap.

An example of answers included for customer questions

Custom questions are added in the About the Product section of the G2 review form. Reviewers are not required to enter answers for custom questions before submitting the review form.

Responses to custom questions are not made public and do not appear on your G2 product profile.

Creating custom questions

You can add up to two custom questions to the review form for each of your G2-listed products. Your questions can either be in a free-text or single-select format. For each single-select question added, you must also provide a list of up to five answers that reviewers can choose from.

To add custom questions to your review form, please contact your G2 representative.

Your custom questions should not:

  • Seek to collect personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Reference other companies or products besides G2.
  • Duplicate questions that already appear on the G2 review form.

Example custom questions

With custom questions, you can learn more about the features that are most important to your users, their unique use cases for your product, or which onboarding resources helped them the most.

The following table lists some example questions you might choose to ask:

Purpose of questionQuestion typeQuestionAnswers
Time to valueSingle selectHow quickly did you realize business value?1-3 months
4-6 months
7-12 months
12+ months
Feature valueSingle selectWhich feature do you find most valuable?Feature A
Feature B
Feature C
Product usageSingle selectSelect the most important reason you are using {your product name}?Reason A
Reason B
Reason C
Customer personaSingle selectWhat team or department are you in when using {your product name}?HR
Product Management
Product Marketing
Feature researchFree textWhat is an opportunity area for {your product name}? Are there any specific features you would add?N/A
(free response)

Analytics for custom questions

To access response data for your custom questions, go to my.G2, then Review Management > Custom Questions.

For each question, G2 reports the total number of responses to each of your questions, the response rate, and the distribution of responses.

If you remove a custom question, response data for the question will still be available in my.G2.

Data for responses to custom questions