Four pre-built Salesforce reports
  • 03 May 2022
  • 4 Minutes à lire
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Four pre-built Salesforce reports

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Each of the four pre-built Salesforce reports provided by G2 can be further customized by adding filters and fields (or removing them), changing the report format, and changing date ranges.

Before changing these pre-built reports, G2 suggests saving copies of them in a separate Salesforce folder so they are always accessible.

Account Buyer Intent report

The Account Buyer Intent report enables you to view information for G2 Buyer Intent events grouped by Salesforce account owners. With this information, your Salesforce account owners can gain insights into the buying behavior of their mapped Salesforce accounts. For example, if a current customer has been viewing G2 alternatives pages in recent months, an account owner knows that the customer organization is considering switching to a competing product and act accordingly.

To run this report without customizations:

  1. Go to the Reports tab in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-side of the Reports and Dashboards page, select the G2 Crowd Connector folder.
  3. Select the Account Buyer Intent report.
  4. Selections are already made in the Report Options section, but you can change them. The default option for the Range field is set to Custom, which means that there is no restriction on the date range.


  1. Select Run Report.
    • Open the Run Report dropdown and then select Schedule Future Runs… to generate this report regularly.
  2. (Optional) After running the report, select Export Details to export the report in a CSV or XLS format.

Buyer Intent Organizations report

The Buyer Intent Organizations report shows visiting organizations with Buyer Intent activity. The report includes the names of the organizations, web domains, headquarter locations, employee counts, the mapped Salesforce account, and whether it was auto-mapped.

Organizations with the most recent activity are listed first in the report. This information provides a simple way to identify buyers.

This report can also be used as a starting point for manually mapping Buyer Intent to Salesforce accounts. Refer to the Mapping Buyer Intent data to Salesforce accounts and leads documentation for more details.

To run this report without customizations:

  1. Go to the Reports tab in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-side of the Reports and Dashboards page, select the G2 Crowd Connector folder.
  3. Select the Buyer Intent Organizations report.
  4. Selections are already made in the Report Options section, but you can change them. The default option for the Range field is set to Custom, which means that there is no restriction on the date range. The default option for the Date field is set to Most Recent Event, which means organizations with the most recent Buyer Intent activity appear at the top of the report.


  1. Select Run Report.
    • Open the Run Report dropdown and then select Schedule Future Runs… to generate this report regularly.
  2. (Optional) After running the report, select Export Details to export the report in a CSV or XLS format.

Opportunities Influenced by Stage report

The Opportunities Influenced by Stage report shows opportunity stages for mapped Salesforce accounts. For each Salesforce account, you can review the Salesforce opportunity (if mapped), the monetary amount per the current opportunity stage, and the potential close date for a deal. With this information, your organization can understand how to tailor sales and marketing approaches for mapped Salesforce accounts.

To run this report without customizations:

  1. Go to the Reports tab in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-side of the Reports and Dashboards page, select the G2 Crowd Connector folder.
  3. Select the Opportunities Influenced by Stage report.
  4. Selections are already made in the Report Options section, but you can change them. The default option for the Range field is set to Custom, which means that there is no restriction on the dates range. This report only includes Salesforce accounts with G2 Visiting Organization data.


  1. Select Run Report.
    • Open the Run Report dropdown and then select Schedule Future Runs… to generate this report regularly.
  2. (Optional) After running the report, select Export Details to export the report in a CSV or XLS format.

Review Answers report

The Review Answers report provides the questions and answers for each of your product's G2 review. If available, this report includes the name of the reviewer and the reviewer’s company.

This information can provide insights for product, engineering, design, and other teams that would like to analyze reviewer sentiment. For example, you can review entries in the Question column for the “What do you dislike?” question, and then read the corresponding entries in the Comment column to learn about possible issues that your product's users are experiencing.

To run this report without customizations:

  1. Go to the Reports tab in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-side of the Reports and Dashboards page, select the G2 Crowd Connector folder.
  3. Select the Review Answers report.
  4. Selections are already made in the Report Options section, but you can change them. The default option for the Range field is set to Custom, which means that there is no restriction on the date range.


  1. Select Run Report.
    • Open the Run Report dropdown and then select Schedule Future Runs… to generate this report regularly.
  2. (Optional) After running the report, select Export Details to export the report in a CSV or XLS format.