Paid Promotions
  • 12 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Paid Promotions

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Article summary

The Paid Promotions tab enables you to configure and manage quarterly ad campaigns for your product on G2 category pages.

Paid Promotions demo image

Basics of Paid Promotions

Where Paid Promotions appear on G2

Your promotion appears in the 3rd position of each G2 category page that you select during the signup process.

You can only run Paid Promotions in your product’s G2-listed categories.


Each quarter, Paid Promotions inventory is limited to three products per category. Your promotion will be shown to ⅓ of the visitors in the category.

After the quarter begins, you can still purchase available Paid Promotions inventory. G2 does not prorate Paid Promotions pricing based on signup date.

Ad design

By default, your Paid Promotion uses a standardized ad design, which converts 50% better than custom artwork.

Standard ad design

If you choose to upload a custom design during the signup process, your ad must follow G2's Design Specifications & Content Policy.

Custom ad content is subject to approval by G2. You will be notified about content approval status changes via email.

Activating Paid Promotions

You must complete the following activation steps for each of your G2-listed products.

1. Configure your promotion

To sign up for Paid Promotions, go to my.G2, then navigate to Paid Promotions. G2 reports the estimated engagement for your promotion based on traffic across all of your G2-listed categories.

Paid Promotions landing page

To configure your promotion:

  1. Select Order Today to access the Paid Promotion Settings page. The Category Placements panel lists each of your product’s G2 categories, basic traffic and conversion statistics, and the remaining Paid Promotions inventory and price.

Select categories for Paid Promotions

  1. In the Select Categories section, select the checkbox for each category you want to run a paid promotion.

  2. (Optional) In the Determine Ad Content section, select Upload Custom Ad to replace the standard ad design with custom artwork.

Upload custom ad content

You can also upload custom artwork after completing the checkout flow and reserving your paid promotion. Until your artwork is approved, G2 will use the standard design for your promotion.

For more information on custom artwork requirements and approval, refer to the Ad design section.

  1. (Optional) From the Determine Paid Promotion URL section, you can choose to enter a Custom URL for your paid promotion.

Custom destination URL

By default, G2 uses the URL listed on your product profile. For more information on configuring UTM parameters for the product website URL on your G2 profile, refer to the Product Information documentation.

  1. Select Save Placement Settings.
  2. Review your total spend in the Cost Summary panel, then select Proceed to Checkout.

2. Choose payment method and accept terms

From the Payment Method page, enter a primary billing contact and choose your payment option. By default, G2 generates an invoice, which must be paid within 15 days. Alternatively, you can enter a Credit or Debit Card to pay immediately.

Select Invoice or enter a credit card to checkout

G2 will email your invoice to your chosen billing contact.

After entering your payment information, acknowledge and Accept G2’s Paid Promotions terms, then select Commit and activate to complete your purchase.

Managing Paid Promotions

After submitting your Paid Promotions order, you can purchase additional categories, upload custom ad artwork, or change your destination URL from the Manage Paid Promotions page.

Managing paid promotions

Changes to custom ad content will be subject to G2 approval.


Once live, you can also access performance metrics for your Paid Promotions from the Analytics tab.