References from Reviews
  • 22 Aug 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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References from Reviews

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Article summary

References from Reviews enables you to easily connect with reviewers who agree to be a reference for your product. Use this page to access the contact information for your references to provide to prospects, or to discuss future advertising and promotional opportunities with your references directly.

To find your references, go to my.G2, then Review Management > References from Reviews. You can modify the date range to find references from a specific time period.

find references

Before submitting a review, reviewers are asked if they are willing to be used as a reference for your product.

To be included in References from Reviews, a reviewer must answer Yes for the following question on the G2 review form.

reference question

Contacting references

G2 offers two ways to contact references: via the G2 community or directly via email. Depending on whether your reference will be contacted by you or one of your prospects, you might choose one option over the other.

For example, you might opt for G2 to mediate the initial communication with references in order to add context to contact requests or avoid email spam filters. Alternatively, if your prospect does not have a G2 account, they are unable to access user profiles on, and you might choose to provide them with the reference’s business email address.

You should only contact a user via their G2 profile if they have agreed to be a reference for your product.

Contacting references via G2

To contact a reference via their G2 profile:

  1. Go to my.G2, then Review Management > References from Reviews.
  2. Find the reference you want to contact. You might need to modify the date range to find a particular reference.
  3. Select the reference’s profile photo to go to their G2 profile.

If you want G2 to mediate communication between your prospect and your reference, you can send your reference’s G2 profile URL directly to your prospect. Your prospect must have a G2 account to contact the reference via this channel.

  1. Select Contact User, then fill out and submit the User Contact Request form. You will receive a confirmation email from G2 regarding your contact request within 24 hours.

Your reference receives a G2-branded email populated with the answers in the User Contact Request form.

community contact

Contacting references via email

To access the business email addresses of your references:

  1. Go to my.G2, then Review Management > References from Reviews.
  2. Find the reference you want to contact. You might need to modify the date range to find a particular reference.
  3. Select Download CSV. Your CSV contains information about each of the references in the specified date range, including their business email address, name, company, and data from their G2 review.

download email

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