- 12 Dec 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
G2 Clicks
- Updated on 12 Dec 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
G2 Clicks is available to both free and subscription G2 profiles. If your product subscribes to a G2 plan, you receive all organic clicks at no additional cost. G2 subscribers can opt into sponsored listings via G2 Clicks or Paid Promotions. For more information, refer to the Sponsored Listings section.
G2 Clicks is a subscription-free, pay-per-click (PPC) offering that enables you to capture buyer interest by adding your website link to your G2 profile page and category page listing(s), as well as run advertisements on category and competitor alternatives pages.
To access pay per click, go to my.G2, then select G2 Clicks.
G2 does not support “pay for placement” — G2 Clicks has no impact on your product’s ranking on category pages or inclusion in G2 Market Reports.
Basics of G2 Clicks
Where your website link appears on G2
Links to your product’s website can appear on your G2 profile page and your category page listing(s) based on your selected configuration.
Product profile
G2 adds a Visit company website CTA and a link in the Details section of your product profile page.
Category page
G2 adds a Visit company website CTA to your category page listing.
Sponsored listings
G2 Paid Promotions enables annual subscription customers to purchase an advertisement between the second and third position on the category page. If there is unpurchased inventory available, G2 Clicks customers will automatically be rotated into this listing to give your product greater visibility on G2.
You can opt out of sponsored listings from the Manage Plan page.
G2 uses PPC data from SEMRush to determine the value of a click for each of your product’s G2 categories. To access the cost per click for eligible G2 pages, go to G2 Clicks > Manage Plan, then scroll to the Placement Settings table.
The Placement Settings table contains the following columns to help you estimate spend:
- Page: The G2 page that includes the link to your website.
- Page Rank: The current page rank for your product. This value is only reported for category pages.
- Monthly Traffic: The average monthly traffic to the page.
- USD / Click: The SEMRush PPC value for each page. USD / click is standardized for each category and does not vary based on your product’s ranking in the category. The cost per click for your product page is set by your product’s main G2 category.
- Est. Monthly Clicks: An estimated number of monthly clicks you will receive based on page traffic and position.
- Est. Monthly Cost: An estimated monthly cost per page based on estimated clicks and cost per click.
Regional Prices and Filters
G2 charges different PPC prices per global region. You can access the full list of regional prices and configure geographic regions to match your ICP from the Regional Prices and Filters panel.
G2 Clicks is billed monthly and your credit card will be charged automatically on the 2nd of the following month. To access your invoices, go to my.G2, then G2 Clicks > Invoices.
G2 accepts the following credit card payment processors:
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners, UnionPay
Payments are processed by a third party. G2 does not retain any payment information. To ensure PCI DSS compliance, G2 has completed a PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), which can be provided upon request.
To set up G2 Clicks:
- Go to my.G2, then navigate to G2 Clicks > Manage Plan.
- In the Placement Settings panel, choose the pages you want your CTAs to appear, then select Save Placement Settings. For more information on each page type, refer to the Where your website link appears on G2 section.
- (Optional) In the Regional Prices and Filters panel, select Edit to modify the buyers who are shown your CTAs to match your ICP. By default, all regions are selected.
- (Optional) From the Clicks Destination panel, choose the URL for your CTAs. By default, buyers are redirected to the company website listed on your G2 profile.
You can also set UTM parameters for your website URL to track clicks in your analytics platform. For more information, refer to the UTM Params section of the Product Information documentation.
- (Optional) In the Monthly Budget Options section, enter a Soft Limit and a Hard limit.
When the soft limit is reached, all my.G2 admins for your product will receive an email notification. When the hard limit is exceeded, all links to your website will be removed.
- Select Activate from the right sidebar to continue to enter billing information, accept the G2 Clicks agreement, and continue to checkout.
To track the performance of G2 Clicks, go to my.G2, then G2 Clicks > Clicks and Spend History.
The analytics tiles provide high-level information, including the projected clicks for the next 30 days, the number of clicks from the past 30 days, and your total spend for the current billing cycle.
The Click Analytics and History charts show trends in clicks over time.
The corresponding table shows detailed information about each click, including the click source, firmographic information about the buyer, price, and whether the click was a test click from a member of your organization.
If a user clicks on links in different locations (such as on product or category pages) or clicks any of your links multiple times within a 12-hour interval, G2 records these clicks in the Duplicate column and you will not be charged.
Cancelling your subscription
You may cancel your G2 Clicks subscription at any time. To cancel your subscription, go to my.G2, navigate to G2 Clicks > Manage Plan, then from the Subscription Status panel, select Disable Plan.
After cancellation, your website links will immediately be removed from all G2 pages. Any preexisting unpaid clicks will be billed during the next invoice cycle.