Get started with G2 taxonomy syndication
  • 31 Jan 2025
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Get started with G2 taxonomy syndication

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Article summary

This documentation is intended for G2 syndication customers and provides an overview of G2’s Taxonomy.

Before getting started

You will need to generate an API token to authenticate requests for G2 syndicated content. To create an API token, go to my.G2 then navigate to Integrations > API Tokens & Apps and select Create New Token.

For a full list of endpoints available to G2 partners, refer to G2's partner API reference documentation.


Accessing G2 Taxonomy data requires the following high-level steps:

  1. Get Categories: Use the categories endpoint to retrieve G2’s product categories, allowing you to group products by their type or function.
  2. Retrieve product details: Use the products endpoint to get a list of G2 listed products and their details.
  3. Retrieve vendor data: Use the vendors endpoint to obtain vendor-specific information, including their associated products.

Understanding data relationships

The Relationships field in the API response enables you to navigate between related categories, products, and vendors by providing links to associated data.

The following are key relationships and their corresponding links:

Vendor relationships

The Vendor response includes a products relationship that links to all products belonging to that vendor.

Sample response:

"relationships": {
  "products": {
    "links": {
      "self": "{vendor_id}/relationships/products",
      "related": "{vendor_id}/products"

Category relationships

Each product belongs to one or more categories. The Categories relationship links to all categories associated with the product, while the main_category relationship specifies the primary category.

Sample response:

"relationships": {
  "categories": {
    "links": {
      "related": "{product_id}/categories"
  "main_category": {
    "links": {
      "related": "{product_id}/main-category"

Product relationships

Product responses include several key relationships that allow you to explore additional details about each product.

These include:

  • categories: Links to the categories the product belongs to.
  • survey_responses: Links to survey responses related to the product.
  • competitors: Links to other products that compete with the product.
  • main_category: A link to the primary category for the product.
  • vendor: Links to the vendor associated with the product.
  • product_rating: A link to product ratings.
  • product_features: Links to features associated with the product.

By understanding these relationships, you can effectively build a dynamic marketplace that leverages G2's taxonomy to enhance user experience and product discoverability.


This endpoint enables you to retrieve G2 product categories.

Once you have the categories available, map products to these categories using the Products endpoint.



Query parameters

Parameter Data Type Description
slug string The URL slug for the G2 category.
name string The name of the G2 category.
page[size] integer The number of responses you want to return in your results (min: 1, max: 100). Defaults to 25 if unspecified.
page[number] integer The page number you want to return. Defaults to 1 if unspecified.
filter[updated_at_gt] string (ISO 8601) The minimum date and time when a category was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
filter[updated_at_lt] string (ISO 8601) The maximum date and time when a category was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.

Sample request

curl --request GET '[size]=1&id=CATEGORY_ID'

Response fields

The data object contains an array of category objects. Each category contains the following information.

Field Data Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the category.
name string The name of the category.
slug string The short name for the category.
description string The description of the category.
children string Categories nested directly under this category.
ancestors string All parent categories leading up to this category.
descendants string All subcategories nested under this category.
parent string Direct parent category for this category.
updated_at string (ISO 8601) The last time the category was updated.

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "0005815e-6acb-4608-a657-ff2ffed4c9a6",
            "type": "categories",
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "attributes": {
                "name": "Blockchain Platforms",
                "slug": "blockchain-platforms",
                "description": "Industry Blockchain technology can be applied to a wide range of industries and applications, but not all of them. Common use cases include financial, logistics, real estate, health care, and retail sectors. Industries relying heavily on payment processing and financial transactions have the most common uses for blockchain technology. The public ledger helps streamline processes, increase documentation, and reduce fraud. Logistics companies can benefit from increased documentation of costs, labor, fleets, and shipments. Health care providers and other companies holding large amounts of sensitive information can improve data security using blockchain technology. Other industries can utilize blockchain technology as well, but consider finding examples before committing. ",
                "updated_at": "2025-01-30T09:23:28.961-06:00"
            "relationships": {
                "products": {
                    "links": {
                        "self": "",
                        "related": ""
                "children": {
                    "links": {
                        "self": "",
                        "related": ""
                "ancestors": {
                    "links": {
                        "self": "",
                        "related": ""
                "descendants": {
                    "links": {
                        "self": "",
                        "related": ""
                "parent": {
                    "links": {
                        "self": "",
                        "related": ""
    "meta": {
        "record_count": 2179,
        "page_count": 2179
    "links": {
        "first": "",
        "next": "",
        "last": ""


This endpoint enables you to retrieve G2-listed products and product information like names, descriptions, and features. Products can be listed under each vendor or category.

To get detailed information about a vendor, you can use the Vendors endpoint, leveraging the vendor relationship link found in the Relationships section of the product data.



Query parameters

Parameter Data Type Description
filter[name] string Filter products by name.
filter[domain] string Filter products by domain name.
filter[slug] string Filter products by unique URL slug for product.
page[size] integer The number of responses you want to return in your results (min: 1, max: 100). Defaults to 25 if unspecified.
page[number] integer The page number you want to return. Defaults to 1 if unspecified.

Sample request

curl --request GET '[name]=5&page[size]=50&page[number]=1'

Response fields

The data object contains an array of product objects. Each product contains the following information.

Field Data Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the product.
type string Indicates whether the product is software, hardware, or service.
product_type string The type of product.
name string The name of the product.
short_name string The short name of the product.
domain string The domain associated with the product.
slug string The URL slug for the G2 product.
description string A short description of the product.
detail_description string The vendor-provided description of the product.
image_url string The URL of the product image.
product_url string The URL for the product website.
review_count integer The number of approved reviews for the product.
star_rating float The star rating associated with the product, ranging from 0 to 5.
avg_rating string The average rating of the product.
public_detail_url string The URL to the public product details page.
updated_at string (ISO 8601) The last time the product was updated.

Sample response

  "data": [
      "id": "6a9eeb5a-015c-4ceb-83d4-92f813d16499",
      "type": "products",
      "links": {
        "self": ""
      "attributes": {
        "product_type": "Software",
        "name": "test product 20",
        "short_name": "test product 20",
        "domain": "",
        "slug": "test-product-20",
        "description": "Description of product",
        "detail_description": "Vendor inputted description of product",
        "image_url": null,
        "product_url": null,
        "review_count": 0,
        "star_rating": 2.5,
        "avg_rating": "5.0",
        "public_detail_url": "",
        "updated_at": "2024-04-26T09:15:12.434-05:00",
        "created_at": "2024-04-26T09:15:12.403-05:00"
      "relationships": {
        "categories": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
        "survey_responses": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
        "competitors": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
        "main_category": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
        "vendor": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
        "product_rating": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
        "product_features": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
  "meta": {
    "record_count": 1,
    "page_count": 1
  "links": {
    "first": "",
    "last": ""


This endpoint enables you to retrieve vendor information. Vendors can be linked to the products they offer, which can be retrieved from the products endpoint.



Query parameters

Parameter Data Type Description
page[size] integer The number of responses you want to return in your results (min: 1, max: 100). Defaults to 25 if unspecified.
page[number] integer The page number you want to return. Defaults to 1 if unspecified.
filter[updated_at_gt] string (ISO 8601) The minimum date and time when a review was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
filter[updated_at_lt] string (ISO 8601) The maximum date and time when a review was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.

Sample request

curl --request GET '[size]=50&page[number]=1'

Response fields

The data object contains an array of vendor objects. Each vendor contains the following information.

Field Data Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the vendor.
name string The name of the vendor.
description string The description of the vendor.
company_website string The URL for the vendor’s webpage.
slug string The URL slug for the G2 vendor.
public_products_count integer The number of products the vendor has listed on G2.
updated_at string (ISO 8601) The date when the vendor was last updated.

Sample response

  "data": [
      "id": "faec9108-9e81-4d0d-9c25-94a0f51a6628",
      "type": "vendors",
      "links": {
        "self": ""
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Test Vendor",
        "description": null,
        "company_website": null,
        "slug": "test-vendor-79cebf4a-8007-4933-845b-b63271935f79",
        "public_products_count": 0,
        "updated_at": "2024-04-26T09:15:09.147-05:00"
      "relationships": {
        "products": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
  "meta": {
    "record_count": 1,
    "page_count": 1
  "links": {
    "first": "",
    "last": ""