Reviews data dictionary
- 18 Mar 2023
- 5 Minutes à lire
Reviews data dictionary
- Mis à jour le 18 Mar 2023
- 5 Minutes à lire
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The following data dictionary describes each column for the G2 Seller Review Data private listing in Snowflake.
For more information on the G2 + Snowflake integration, refer to the Get started with Snowflake documentation.
Column name | Data type | Description | Example value |
review_id | number | The unique ID generated for the review. | 7072685 |
review_url | varchar | The direct URL to the review on | |
product_id | varchar | The ID for the product reviewed. This column corresponds to product_id in the Buyer Intent table. |
47d9f613-8052-47d0-9770-2cdf09106348 |
reviewed_product | varchar | The name of the product reviewed. | G2 Marketing Solutions |
submitted_date | date | The date that the review was submitted for approval. | 2021-05-04 |
review_for_categories | array | The G2 categories where the product was used, selected by the reviewer. | ["Buyer Intent Data Providers", "Technology Review Platforms"] |
user_role | varchar | Response to: "What is your primary role when using this product?" Answer choices: User, Administrator, Executive Sponsor, Internal Consultant, Consultant, Agency, Industry Analyst, Tech Writer |
Administrator |
star_rating | float | The star rating associated with the review, ranging from 0 to 5. | 4.5 |
review_title | varchar | The title for the review, entered by the reviewer. | G2 Has Been Great - Good for Marketers |
love | varchar | Response to: "What do you like best?" Answers are free-response, with a minimum of 40 characters and no maximum. |
When I've provided feedback, G2 has listened to it and accomodated it. |
hate | varchar | Response to: "What do you dislike?" Answers are free-response, with a minimum of 40 characters and no maximum. |
There's not really a ton that I dislike. Again, I can't speak to too many of G2's products as I've only dabbled in a couple. |
recommendations | varchar | Response to: "Recommendations to others considering {reviewed_product} :"Answers are free-response, with a minimum of 40 characters and no maximum. As of July 2022, this question is only displayed on the review form for service providers. |
Start small and add as you choose after learning more about each product - there's a lot there! |
benefits | varchar | Response to: "What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?" Answers are free-response, with a minimum of 40 characters and no maximum. |
We're able to gather quality leads from G2 that we otherwise wouldn't have had. |
meets_requirements | float | Response to: "Does {reviewed_product} meet all of your requirements?"Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
price | float | Response to: “Price" Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
ease_of_setup | float | Response to: “Was {reviewed_product} easy to set up and rollout?”Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
nps | float | Response to: “How likely is it that you would recommend {reviewed_product} to a friend or colleague?”Answer choices range from 0 - 10. |
6 |
ease_of_admin | float | Response to: “Is {reviewed_product} easy to administer?”Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
ease_of_use | float | Response to: “Is {reviewed_product} easy to use?”Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
quality_of_support | float | Response to: “Is the support team able to answer your questions or support cases quickly and effectively?" Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
ease_of_doing_business_with | float | Response to: “Has {reviewed_product} been a good partner in doing business?"Answer choices range from 1 - 7. |
6 |
going_in_right_direction | varchar | Response to “Is {reviewed_product} headed in the right direction?”Answer choices: Yes, No, Don't Know |
Yes |
experience_with_product | varchar | Response to: "What is your level of experience with {reviewed_product} ?"Answer choices: Trial/Evaluation Only, Still Implementing, Failed to Go Live, Less than 1 Year, 3-5 Years, >5 Years |
3-5 Years |
implementation_year | varchar | Response to: "When did you implement {reviewed_product} ?", reported in years. |
2017 |
implementation_method | varchar | Response to: "How did you implement {reviewed_product} ?"Answer choices: In-House Team, Vendor Services Team, 3rd Party Consultant, Don't know |
In-House Team |
implementation_consultant | varchar | Response to: "Which service provider did you use to implement {reviewed_product} ?"This question is only displayed if the reviewer selected 3rd Party Consultant as the implementation_method . |
Service Provider X |
deployment_type | varchar | Response to: "Did you deploy in the cloud or on-premise?" Answer choices: Hosted, On-premise |
Hosted |
go_live_time | varchar | Response to: "How long did it take you to go live?" Answer choices: < 1 day, < 1 month, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, > 12 months, Never |
3-6 months |
implementation_cost | varchar | Response to: "What were your one-time costs for setting up {reviewed_product} ?"Answer choices: $0-999, $10,000-24,999, $25,000-49,999, $50,000-99,999, $100,000-249,000, $250,000-499,999, $500,000-999,999, $1,000,000-2,499,999, $2,500,000-$4,999,999, $5,000,000+ |
$1,000-9,999 |
annual_cost | varchar | Response to: "What is your annual recurring cost for using {product_name} ?"Answer choices: $0-999, $10,000-24,999, $25,000-49,999, $50,000-99,999, $100,000-249,000, $250,000-499,999, $500,000-999,999, $1,000,000-2,499,999, $2,500,000 - $4,999,999, $5,000,000+ |
$25,000-49,999 |
contract_term | varchar | Response to: "What is the term of your contract?" Answer choices: No Term, Month-to-month, 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4+ Years |
1 Year |
contract_discount | varchar | Response to: "What % discount off list price did you receive?" Answer choices: 0-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, 31-40%, 41-50%, 51-60%, 61-70%, 71-80%, 81-90%, 90%+ |
0-10% |
users_purchased | varchar | Response to: "How many people use {reviewed_product} in your organization?"Answer chocies: 1-4, 5-9, 10-24, 25-49, 50-99, 100-249, 250-499, 500-999, 1,000-2,499, 2,500-4,999, 5,000-9,999, 10,000+ |
25-49 |
user_adoption | varchar | Response to: "What % of your users have fully adopted the system?" Answer choices: 0-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, 31-40%, 41-50%, 51-60%, 61-70%, 71-80%, 81-90%, 90%+ |
90%+ |
estimated_roi | varchar | Response to: "What is your company's estimated ROI on this product (payback period in months)?" Answer choices: 6 months or less, 7-12 months, 13-24 months, 24-36 months, 37-48 months, 48+ months, Never Got Full Payback |
7-12 months |
switched_from |
varchar | Response to: "Did your company switch to {reviewed_product} from another software?"Answer choices: Yes, No, Don't Know |
Yes |
previous_solution_used | varchar | Response to: "What did you switch from?" Answer is selected from a dropdown containing all products listed on G2. |
SaaS Company X |
reason_for_switching | varchar | Response to: "Why did you switch? How does {reviewed_product} compare to your previous system?"Answers are free-response with no minimum or maximum. |
"G2 is a more powerful and complete product suited for our business." |
review_source | varchar | The review acquisition method. Example sources: g2_incentivized, organic, vendor, g2gives, unincentivized |
organic |
review_incentivized | boolean | Whether the reviewer received an incentive for submitting the review. | FALSE |
response_language | varchar | The language tag associated with the reviewer's response. | en-us |
anonymous | boolean | Whether the reviewer opted to publish their review anonymously. | TRUE |
user_company | varchar | Response to: "At which organization did you most recently use {reviewed_product} ?" |
G2 Track |
user_company_segment | varchar | The reviewer's market segment. Possible segments: Small Business, Mid Market, Enterprise |
Mid Market |
user_company_size | varchar | Response to: "What was your organization size when working with {reviewed_product} ?"Answer choices: Myself Only, 2-10 employees, 11-50 employees, 51-200 employees, 201-500 employees, 501-1,000 employees, 1,001-5,000 employees, 5,001-10,000 employees, 10,001+ employees |
500-1000 employees |
user_company_industry | varchar | Response to: "What is your industry when using this product?" Answers are selected from a dropdown of industries. |
Marketing and Advertising |
user_region | varchar | The reviewer's global region. | APAC |
user_country | varchar | The reviewer's country. | Australia |
reference_opt_in | varchar | Response to: "Are you willing to be a reference for this software product or service?" Answer choices: accepted, declined, unanswered |
unanswered |
user_company_domain | varchar | Response to: "What was the URL of the organization where you most recently used {reviewed_product} ?" | |
all_company_domains | array | All website domains associated with the reviewer's company. | ["", ""] |