- 09 May 2022
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HubSpot: List companies with a buyer from a specific location
- Atualizado em 09 May 2022
- 1 Minuto para Ler
This example list includes companies with individual buyers from certain geographic locations. The list can be either static or active based on your organization’s needs.
Refer to the HubSpot emails with G2 marketing content documentation to target this list with an email featuring G2 marketing content.
To build this list:
- In HubSpot, navigate to Contacts > Lists.
- Select Create list to enter the Create a list editor.
- Select Company-based, enter a List name, then select Active list or Static list.
For more information on the differences between active and static lists, refer to HubSpot’s Differences between saved views, active lists, and static lists documentation.
- Select Next to begin adding filters to your new list.
- Select Add filter > Company properties.
- Search for and select G2 Buyer Intent Details.
- Change is equal to any of to contains any of, then enter a country or region into the text field. For this example, G2 entered United States.
You can enter regions or countries into the filter. The location must exactly match the details in the Buyer Intent signal, so "U.S." cannot serve as a replacement for "United States".
- Select Save list.
Your HubSpot list might need time to process depending on the quantity of G2 Buyer Intent data available in your HubSpot environment.