Profile Activity
  • 13 Feb 2025
  • 4 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro

Profile Activity

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

The Profile Activity tab collects several types of traffic analytics measuring your product’s performance on G2, enabling you to track activity changes over time, compare your product's G2 traffic to your competitors, and assess G2 impact.


To access profile activity, go to my.G2, then Analytics > Profile Activity.

Basics of Profile Activity

To get started with Profile Activity, use the filter panel to select a default time interval or enter a Custom date range.

Choose from 30 days, 90 days, 6 months, 1 year, or a custom date range

You can also use the category dropdown to modify the data in the G2 Impact chart, or search for and select products from the Competitors dropdown to layer competitor data onto the Total pageviews, Compare pageviews, Time on page, and Reviews taken charts.

Category and competitor dropdown menus

You can add up to three competitors at a time.

Hover over a chart to reveal more detailed information, such as the traffic corresponding to a specific week.

time points

Most Profile Activity charts also contain directional arrows and adjacent percentages indicating how your traffic has changed over time.

To quickly access the traffic data from the previous interval, hover your cursor over the percentage.

last period data

The percent change is relative to the timeframe you select. For example, if you select a 30-day timeframe, G2 compares the traffic for the current 30-day interval to the previous 30-day interval. If you select a custom timeframe, G2 calculates the number of days in your timeframe, then compares your timeframe to the same interval preceding your start date.

Activity types

G2 offers the following traffic analytics charts.

G2 Impact

The G2 Impact chart helps contextualize your product's performance on G2 by providing engagement data for different stages of the buyer journey.

G2 Impact chart demo

The Visits to all {CATEGORY} category pages panel aggregates the total visits to the category. This includes views of the category page, as well as views of the product profile, comparison, and review response pages for all products within the category.

G2 Impact category panel

Hover over this panel to reveal data compared to the previous interval.

The Visits to {YOUR PRODUCT} pages panel shows the total visits to your product's pages on G2, including the product profile, comparison, and review response pages.

G2 Impact profile panel

Hover over this panel to reveal data compared to the previous interval, the share of pageviews your product captures relative to the entire category, and the average number of pageviews for products in your category.

The {YOUR PRODUCT} Prospect Tracking panel shows the number of users who navigate between G2 and your website (or vice versa) using Track Your Prospects data.

G2 Impact track your prospects panel

Hover over this panel to reveal data compared to the previous interval, the conversion rate for users navigating between your G2 profile and your website, and the average number of Track Your Prospects for products in your category.

If you do not have Track Your Prospects set up, this panel will show the number of clicks for the CTAs and website links on your G2 profile.

G2 Impact profile demo

Total pageviews

The Total pageviews chart shows the total number of views for any G2 page that includes your product.

Total pageviews chart

These pageviews include visits to your product profile, Reference Pages, and G2 reviews, as well as G2 category pages and comparison pages that include your product.

Compare pageviews

The Compare pageviews chart shows the total number of times buyers viewed a G2 comparison page that included your product.

Compare pageviews chart

Comparison pages use AI-generated summaries to highlight key differences between products. These summaries are generated by extracting data from comparison pages, which are based on G2 reviews. The data is then converted into a natural-language summary.

Products in the comparison must have at least 10 reviews before a summary will appear. For products with 10 to 28 reviews, the summary updates each time a new review is collected. After both products have at least 28 reviews, the summary is updated monthly, on the first of each month.

Time on page

The Time on page chart shows the number of hours buyers have spent on your G2 product profile.

Time on page chart

Reviews taken

The Reviews taken chart shows the number of G2 reviews published during your selected timeframe.

Reviews taken chart

For more information on generating and tracking your reviews, refer to the Review Campaigns and Campaign Dashboard documentation.

Leads submitted

The Leads submitted chart shows the number of leads submitted via your G2 product profile during your selected timeframe.

Leads submitted chart

For more information on viewing G2 Leads and configuring your Leads form, refer to the Leads documentation.

CTA / Free trial clicks

The CTA / Free trial clicks chart shows the number of CTA clicks during your selected timeframe.

CTA/Free trial clicks chart

For more information on your G2 product profile CTAs, refer to the CTA settings section of the Leads documentation.

Total Website Redirects from G2

The Total Website Redirects from G2 chart total number of clicks to your website from your G2 product profile.

Total Website Redirects chart

Profile Activity Trends

The Profile Activity Trends chart plots reviews, clicks, and profile visits into a single view, enabling you to understand how events like the start of a G2-Run Review Campaign and Quarterly Report Release impact these metrics.

Image showing the Profile Activity Trends grapg in my.G2

By default, G2 displays Profile Activity data for the past six months. To adjust your time interval, select one of the default options.

Image showing the time interval options in my.G2 for correlation graphs

Hover over a point on the horizontal axis to preview the corresponding chart data, including Profile Visits, Reviews, and Clicks.

demo showing the hover action on the horizontal axis of the profile activity trends graph

Hover over an event on the vertical axis to preview the corresponding event data, including the event type and date.

demo showing the hover action on the vertical axis of the profile activity trends graph

You can add or remove metrics from your chart by selecting the metric from the key.

Demo showing how to remove a metric from the profile activity trends graph

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